Monday, August 27, 2012

4 Bad Habits When Washing

Washing is a routine activity that we do. Although routine, in fact there are many people who make mistakes. And wash is not just for the sake of cleanliness of your hair, but wash is a basic way to make the hair look more beautiful naturally. Here are four bad habits that you should avoid when wash as reported 1. Washing too fast This is the most common mistake you did. Pressed for time, fear of being late to the office, even while shampooing your shortening. And that does not take a minute so the shampoo can actually seep into the hair so it can remove the dirt with a maximum. Just like when you want to clean a dirty pot. Dirt will be easily lifted when soaked in warm water first. From now on you have to spend some special time to wash. 2. Focus on the ends of your hair Do not do this. Focus shampoo on your scalp, because that's where the oil is produced. Massage the scalp when the wash, then let the resulting foams meet the hair but leave the hair into sections that are not filled with shampoo. 3. Too rarely or frequently wash Often listening to suggestions that urge you to give long distance a wash? That is true but not completely true. It all depends on your hair type. Identify the type and know when your hair needs to be cleaned. Wavy hair that tends to be dry and can last for a long time without washing. They are active and exercising frequently, should seek berfomula special shampoo that is safe to use every day. If you do not like the shape of thick hair, or hair look wet, wash effect, focus on the vortex cleaning hair. 4. Originally used shampoo Often using hairspray or other hair styling products usually make the hair feel thicker and oily. to deal with the side effects, you should not carelessly choose shampoo. Make sure you use a shampoo that has a specific formula, or one that does not dry out your hair's natural humectant. Lack of natural moisturizers will make your hair produce excessive amounts of oil.


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